Equo Aktiv

1 kasse indeholder 60 x 25 gelpakker  (2 gelpakker / dag – ialt 25 g ren kollagen)

Equo Aktiv i gel form med høj biotilgængelighed og optages med op til 95 %
Effektiv ingrediens med 12,5 g ren bioaktiv kollagen peptider  (ca. 20 forskellige aminosyrer) pr gelpakke)
Let dosering – 2 gelpakker / dag (morgen og aften)
Naturlig formulering ved ikke at bruge farvestoffer, dopingstoffer, kunstig sødemiddel og konserveringsmidler.

1.450,00 kr.

Har du spørgsmål til produktet?

Ring til Kirsten på: tlf. 23 84 90 87


Kollagen til heste

Verdens første professionelle næringsgel til heste Equo Aktiv – Kollagen til heste. Udviklet ud fra erfaringer og resultaterne fra mange års undersøgelser, der omhandlede regenerering og nydannelse af bruskvæv. Kombinationen af denne forskning og brugen af en specialudviklet gelmatriz til dosering gør dette produkt til et ”stand-alone” produkt, som er unikt.

Nemt at håndtere

Equo Aktiv er nemt at håndtere og bruge. Det er vigtigt at vide, at fokus under udviklingen var på naturlige og frem for alt dopings frie ingredienser. Dette sikrer, at du gør det bedste for din hest.

Equo Aktivs næringsstof indhold

Næringsstoffer er en væsentlig del af sundhed, fleksibilitet og ydeevne. Især heste har derfor ofte et øget behov. Med Equo Aktiv er der udviklet en næringsgel til led stofskiftet, som nemt kan tilføres foderet og samtidig imødekommer hestens smag.

Høj kvalitet

Equo Aktiv imponerer med sin gode tolerance og høje kvalitet og er derfor det optimale og frem for alt rent naturlige, uproblematiske fodertilskud. På grund af gelformen kan den metaboliseres op til 4 gange bedre end sammenlignelige produkter i pulver – eller flydende form.

Har du spørgsmål til Equo Aktiv – Kollagen til heste kontakt os eller chat med Kirsten.


Månedspakning med 60 x 25 g gelpakker


Hydrolyseret kollagen (50 %)

Frugt / grønsagsjuice koncentrat.

Råd om fodring:

Heste = 2 gelpakninger / dag– morgen + aften. Blandes i foderet.

Små heste = 1 gelpak / dag

Vi anbefaler at fodre kontinuerligt med Equo Aktiv.

Equo Aktiv indeholder specifikke ernæringsmæssige bioaktive kollagenpeptider til brusk, ledbånd, sener, knogler og muskler.

Den specielle gelmatrix og den høje biotilgængelighed gør det muligt, at det kommer direkte ind i blodbanen via tarmens transport system.

  • Bioaktive kollagenpeptider understøtter strukturen og regenerering af beskadiget bruskvæv
  • Bioaktive kollagenpeptider har vist sig at fremme dannelse af kollagen og proteoglykaner i brusk.
  • Bioaktive kollagenpeptider forbedrer styrken og binde- og støttevævets fleksibilitet.
  • Bioaktive kollagenpeptider med dokumenteret evne for bruskregenerering og væsentlig forbedring af symptomer på ømme og slidte led hos hesten.


Analytiske komponenter:

Rå protein 53,5 %

Rå fibre 0,2 %

Rå fedt 0,2 %

Rå aske 0,3 %

Fugtindhold 47,5 %

Kundeerfaringer fra udlandet

Dr. vet. Müller 22. juni 2021

I have been a practising veterinarian for over 25 years. For years there have been the wildest rumours about cartilage regeneration. Some say "it can't be done", others say "it can". The truth is that science has proven for years that certain collagen peptides are able to activate or stimulate the cartilage metabolism and also form new cartilage tissue. The prerequisite for this, however, is that on the one hand the correct collagen peptides with the appropriate collagen peptide length are used and on the other hand that there is still a residual cartilage mass (even if minimal) on which new cartilage tissue can form. If this is the case, cartilage regeneration will work and significant improvements in the animal's movement will be noticeable. However, if there is no cartilage left, nothing can be built up. Conclusion: a timely application of the right peptides is therefore advisable and recommended. Prevention protects against premature joint wear and degeneration of the cartilage, and therapy works very well if it is not started too late. I was allowed to use five monthly packages for testing purposes in March 2020 and I am convinced of the results. For me, the product developers have shown that they know their trade and know exactly what is important. For me personally, this is an absolutely convincing and successful product that has not been available on the market before. I am thrilled by the naturalness.

Linda, Hamburg 21. juni 2021

Product has arrived. The first impression is more than premium, really great. There are a lot of products on the market, but the naturalness has totally convinced me.

Thilo 16. juni 2021

I ride advanced level show jumpers and know how much money is spent in equestrian sport on things that bring little or no added value. I have used EQUO AKTIV for my retired horse. Lameness and joint problems are significantly less than I could achieve with all the treatments before. Will now also use EQUO AKTIV as a preventative measure for my show horse. For what I have been able to do for my horse with this product, it is far too cheap. Super product with great effect for little money and still natural. I am thrilled.

Sandra 18. juni 2021

My mare has had problems with her joints and intestines for a long time. I used the product as prescribed in the morning and evening. It is very easy and my horse looks at the gel almost like a treat. The moderate lameness has almost completely disappeared after a few weeks. I wouldn't have thought it possible, but it's really great. The digestion and intestines are also working much better. I read in the FAQ that the gel also stimulates the intestines. So double points.

Caroline 17. juni 2021

This stuff seems to be magic. It's worth every Euro !

Tibor 17. juni 2021

We have a large riding stable with 27 horse stalls. Joints are a constant problem in the stable. I was very sceptical, also because of the gel, which was unknown to me. We put 1 horse on the product to see what would happen. Everything happened as described. The gel is very easy to use, it can be applied to the feed and we had first visible results after only 4-5 weeks. The best I have seen in over 30 years. We will recommend it to all our horsemen because it works.

Ludger 15. juni 2021

As a competition rider, I have tried all kinds of different products over the years. EQUO AKTIV is the best I have ever had. One of my stallions has had problems with his joints for years and could hardly be moved. After two months of daily use, he is now back in the paddock with others. I can hardly believe it. I can only recommend this to everyone.